Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Regulated Health Professions Act

The Manitoba Government has introduced umbrella health legislation designed to replace existing statutes currently governing the 21 self-regulating health professions in Manitoba. Bill 18, The Regulated Health Professions Act received first reading in the Legislature on April 16th, and was referred to Committee this week.

Bill 18 is similar in nature to legislation currently in place in other provinces across Canada. Alberta, British Columbia and Ontario all have umbrella legislation in place...Manitoba is following suit. The Regulated Health Professions Act will standardize many of the regulatory functions governing existing health professions...the make-up of the College's Councils, reporting processes, investigation and discipline procedures, registration practices and public access to information. It also introduces the concept of Reserved Acts, establishes an Regulated Health Professions Advisory Committee and outlines the application process for new health professions to seek self-regulation.

It appears that Opposition parties are in favor of the general principles contained in this legislation and all existing regulators have been consulted throughout the legislation reform initiative. I'm expecting the Bill to return to the Legislature and be passed in rather short order.