Saturday, January 16, 2010

Devastation in Haiti

Catastrophic...overwhelming...heart-wrenching...just a few of the many descriptors that have been used to portray the earthquake and it's incredulous aftermath in Haiti. As the death toll from last Tuesday's disaster rises and the pictures from "ground zero" continue to headline every news cast we see, I can't help but think that the desire to be of assistance in some way haunts most everyone involved in emergency services. By the very nature of our personalities, I think most of us would rather be directly involved in some form of hands-on rescue or aid effort than have to watch from thousands of miles away.

Millions are affected. Over 100,000 known or presumed dead already. Tens of thousands injured. And an unthinkable number of people still missing or unaccounted for, including as many as 1400 Canadians. I have received numerous calls and emails from Paramedics across Manitoba asking how they can help. The Paramedic Association of Manitoba has offered to assist aid agencies with the distribution of information related to volunteer aid and medical relief efforts. We've contacted our Provincial Government and advised them we are prepared to assist in any way possible with efforts that might be coordinated or facilitated here in Manitoba. But while most of us will never have the opportunity to subdue any adrenaline rush by traveling to Haiti to lend a hand in person, we can all help by making a donation that will assist with medical and relief efforts in the days, weeks and months to come.

The Paramedic Association of Manitoba is encouraging all Paramedics to donate to the PAM Haiti Relief Fund. Cheques or money orders made payable to the Red Cross can be mailed to or dropped off at our office in Winnipeg, cash donations can be accepted by any PAM Executive member, or you can donate using the PayPal link on the PAM web site. We'll continue to collect donations until February 10th so all contributions will qualify for the matching donation commitment recently announced by the Federal Government.