Sunday, July 17, 2011

Toronto Core Services Review Calls for Improved EMS Resources

A link to the recent City of Toronto Core Services Review can be found on my Twitter account at!/Manitoba_medic. I expect pages 19-30 (EMS and Fire Service Review) will be of the most interest to this audience.

It's an interesting and undoubtedly somewhat controversial report. While it does recommend that Toronto consider amalgamating their fire and EMS resources under a single leadership, the data contained in the report provides strong support for improving paramedic and ambulance services.

Let's remember that this report is an audit of city services, and as such will be biased toward the financial implications of service delivery and not necessarily focused on health and patient care. But contained within the report is a very clear recommendation that the City of Toronto "shift more resources to EMS response and less to fire response over time".

The report could not be used by the IAFF and their affiliated union locals to bolster support for their political agenda, which clearly states their desire to take over emergency medical services in an effort to protect fire jobs and budgets. But I'll suggest it can and should also be used to support other positions as well. The first is clearly stated by the auditor (KPMG) itself...there is a need to increase resource and capacity for EMS and decrease fire response resource to more appropriate levels. The second is not written into the report per se, but it is certainly one that should be arrived at by anyone reading the begs the question "Why is the City spending money on a service (EMS) that it has no mandate or responsibility to provide"?

Paramedic and ambulance services are clearly components of our health care system. When will municipal politicians and decision makers finally come to that realization?

Friday, July 08, 2011

First Person: "I am Going to Die"

Something hit home when I read this article. I had to share it...

First Person: "I am Going to Die"