Wednesday, September 26, 2007

PCP Program at Red River College

On Monday, September 24th Manitoba's Minister of Health delivered some very exciting news from the Notre Dame campus of Red River College. The provincial government has decided to fund Red River to develop and deliver a Primary Care Paramedic program in Manitoba.

This announcement follows months of speculation regarding the direction that our provincial government planned to take to assist with an education program for EMS in Manitoba. Just a few short days ago I had speculated that this news might be delivered, but in all honesty I certainly didn't expect it quite so quickly.

In very simple terms the announced partnership means the government will provide RRC with funding to develop a 12 month Primary Care Paramedic program. The course should begin in September of 2008, and will most likely be delivered in two rural sites as well as the RRC campus each year. Initial enrollment will be limited to 40 students a year.

The reason this announcement means so much is quite simple. Paramedicine will now be taught in a health sciences faculty at a post secondary institution...something PAM has been advocating for years. Not only does it make sense to teach paramedics in an environment that already has a successful nursing program among it's list of health curriculum, the very fact that paramedics will graduate from this environment adds credibility and respect for both the graduate and the profession.

There are most certainly many details yet to be uncovered, and I hope to have that opportunity as soon as I return from the East coast (yes...I'm holidaying in Nova Scotia!). The student numbers are low to start and we won't see a graduate until at least June of 2009. But it's a "giant leap" in the right direction. I applaud our provincial government for their decision to support the Red River initiaitive...I know it was both complicated and difficult to do.

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