Monday, December 17, 2007

PAM Annual General Meeting

As advertised on the Paramedic Association of Manitoba web site, PAM will hold it's Annual General Meeting on Saturday, January 12th, 2008. The meeting will be held at the Fairmont Hotel located at 2 Lombard Place in Winnipeg commencing at 13:00.

In addition to regular AGM agenda items (association reports and finances) there are three business matters to be conducted:
  • the election of 2 Directors and a Chairman;
  • voting on proposed Bylaw amendments;
  • voting on proposed membership fee structure revisions.
Three Executive terms (two Directors and Chairman) expire this year and are scheduled to be filled by election at the AGM. The election notice and nomination form can be found on our web site using the link below. All Full/Active members-in-good-standing of the Paramedic Association of Manitoba are eligible to nominate and/or accept a nomination for these positions. Written nominations must be received at the PAM office no later than December 22nd. Nominations after this date can only be made at the AGM.

The Bylaw amendments proposed for discussion at the meeting are related to the make-up of the Board of Directors for the Association. The original Bylaws call for the Board to be comprised of two EMRs and two EMTs (Paramedic) or higher. Not only has wording associated with these license levels been changed in amended legislation (2006), but it has proven to be very difficult to elect the appropriate numbers from each category over the years. The proposed wording and rationale for this changes can be found using the web link below.

Membership fees for registration with the Paramedic Association of Manitoba have not changed since their introduction in 2001. Since that time the Paramedic Association of Canada has slightly increased member fees and the Benevolent Society has instituted a very modest member surcharge to ensure it's future viability. These costs and anticipated financial requirements associated with an application for self-regulation make it necessary to review our fee structure and propose a slight membership fee increase that would take effect on July 1, 2008 entering into the 2008/09 fiscal year.

The Paramedic Association of Manitoba is the professional association for EMS providers in our province. As members of the Association your input is valuable to the well-being of our patients and the profession. I encourage all members to attend the January 12th Annual General Meeting.

More information regarding the PAM AGM and business to be conducted at the meeting can be found using this link. I hope to see you at the Fairmont.

1 comment:

mackyton said...

Couple of days ago, attended a corporate meeting at one of meeting space San Francisco. Got great information from there that will help me in arranging my business meetings. Also loved the venue and will book it for my meetings too.