Wednesday, October 25, 2006

ARML Tests On-Line

The Paramedic Association of Manitoba has introduced an on-line testing process that can be used as a component of the Alternate Route to Maintenance of Licensure (ARML) program that is currently being utilized by many regions in the province.

PAM offers continuing education modules on our website that meet the academic Core Competency requirements of ARML, and 8 regions currently use these packages within their ARML programs. PAM now offers an on-line testing process to supplement these packages, and has offered this to all regions as an alternative to the existing written tests. Simply put, this would allow paramedics to review a con-ed package and take the associated test on-line at their convenience.

To date three regions have expressed an interest in using the on-line testing for this ARML year...Burntwood, Central and SouthEast. All three should be up and running within the next 2 months.

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