Tuesday, October 24, 2006

MESMAC Meeting

I attended the Manitoba Emergency Services Medical Advisory Committee (MESMAC) meeting on October 18th. Among the agenda items discussed:
  • Approval of updated CPR and AED Treatment Guidleines
  • Development of a protocol that would permit paramedics to rule out the need for c-spine immobilization based on recent studies (OPALS and NEXUS).
  • Development of Obstetrical and Trauma protocols that allow paramedics in rural services transporting to a Winnipeg hospital to proceed to the most appropriate facility.
  • Review of two equipment approval requests - King Air Airway (to replace Combitube) and Twinject (in lieu of EpiPen). Both were considered inappropriate for EMS use.
  • Development of a protocol for removal of Taser darts.
  • Review of Diphenhydramine dose as included in the Anaphylaxis protocol.
  • Statement added to vehicle Operation ETG regarding appropriate cell phone use.

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