Sunday, October 21, 2007

PAM Supports Winnipeg Harvest

A couple of months ago I was asked it would be possible for the Paramedic Association of Manitoba to help Winnipeg Harvest in their bid to set a new World Record for food collection in a 24 hour period. Event organizers wanted to have skilled first aid providers on site throughout the collection period...someone at Harvest knows an ex Deputy Minister of Health who knows me...and before I could say "self-regulation" we were involved.

Beginning at 17:00 on Saturday, October 20 and running straight through until 17:00 on the 21st, hundreds of volunteers assisted with the collection of non-perishable food items for Winnipeg Harvest. The 24 hour marathon event was set up at the Winnipeg Stadium, and organizers knew going into the weekend that they would need over 100 tons of food donations to beat the one-day food collection Guiness World Record set in Regina.

While the atmosphere throughout much of the weekend was both exciting and competitive (with the exception, perhaps, of the overnight hours that Mandy and I sat watch over), it would be difficult to argue the need to have had paramedics on hand. But all kidding aside, it was a terrific opportunity for PAM to participate in a great cause and support a very worthwhile charity. Event organizers treated us well and appreciated both our presence and support.

Special thanks to Bryan Leach, Stuart Cuddy, Amanda Baldwin, Lorne Harley and Tanya Cutting for volunteering to spend their weekend with me representing the Paramedic Association of Manitoba during Winnipeg Harvest's record breaking attempt. And thanks also to Ce
ntral Region EMS Director Corene Debreuil for the use of an ambulance to help keep our volunteers both dry and warm.

Oh...and congratulations to Winnipeg Harvest. Maybe I forgot to mention that they collected more than enough food to set a new World Record.

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