Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Paramedics Recognized in Memorial Legislation

Bill 17 - The Firefighters, Peace Officers and Workers Memorial Foundations Act passed second reading in the Manitoba Legislature on October 15th, thereby sending it to Committee for review. The legislation would permit the three named occupational groups to establish memorial foundations to raise funds for the construction and maintenance of memorials that pay tribute to colleagues killed in the line of duty. When a bill passes second reading it is sent to Committee for review, and this particular bill was on the agenda of the Social and Economic Development Committee last evening (Monday, Oct 29).

Individuals and organizations are given opportunity to speak to the proposed legislation during the committee meeting. On behalf of the Paramedic Association of Manitoba I spoke to Bill 17 and the need to ensure Paramedics were properly recognized in this Act. My presentation can be viewed here.

Following our presentation I was asked a number of questions regarding our suggested amendment to this Act. Our recommendation to committee was that one memorial recognizing all three essential emergency services (Police, Fire, EMS) would be appropriate, but in the event that this option was not acceptable the legislation needed to be amended and sent back to the House ensuring Paramedics had equal opportunity to develop a memorial to pay tribute to those killed in line of duty deaths. The Minister responsible for Bill 17, the Honourable Ron Lemieux, assured us that he would be submitting an amendment that would address a separate Paramedic memorial.

As debate on this particular bill unfolded it became clear that Minister Lemieux would not entertain a change in the name and/or main intent of Bill 17. In other words, clause 2 of the legislation would remain intact and the Act would automatically establish memorial fo
undations for the three named groups...Firefighters, Peace Officers and Other Workers and no others. However, the Minister did add the following to the proposed legislation..."The Lieutenant Governor in Council may, by regulation, establish one or more memorial foundations to promote the memory of Paramedics and other specified groups of workers who have died in the workplace."

Although reluctant to include the word "paramedics" in this amendment, the Minister has given us, in my view, equal opportunity to establish a memorial specific to our profession. The fact that this wording was used is a direct result of the efforts of paramedics across this province to be heard on this very important issue, and I commend everyone who contacted their MLA and Government to voice displeasure with the original legislation. I also think the fact that we had paramedics in the audience listening to my presentation and watching the subsequent proceedings as our elected officials debated this legislation in committee had a very positive effect on the outcome.

The amended Act will now be sent back to the House for third and final reading. I anticipate this will happen quite quickly, and the Act will be proclaimed with little or no delay.

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