Thursday, August 27, 2009

Could Paramedics Administer Flu Vaccinations?

Earlier this week the Globe and Mail ran a story suggesting our health care system may not be able to meet the demand for flu vaccinations this fall...not due to a shortage of vaccine, but rather a shortage of health care providers to administer the vaccinations. In the article entitled "Canada's latest flu challenge: distribution", the Public Health Agency of Canada says "there are potentially issues about how many Canadians get vaccinated at a time" but that the problem "relates to the delivery, not the vaccine supply".

A number of provinces are concerned about timely delivery of H1N1 vaccine, and recognize the traditional model of immunization by nurse and/or physician groups may not be able to meet anticipated public demand as flu season approaches. There is also increasing concern that this years flu season may gain strength earlier than we typically see, placing additional strain on our health care system and further reducing the availability of vaccinators. At least two provinces are considering regulatory changes that would allow pharmacists to deliver flu immunizations if the need arises, which leads me to wonder...Why not use Paramedics to deliver the flu shot?

As Manitoba finalizes its H1N1 vaccination plans, I hope consideration will be given to utilizing Paramedics in the administration of influenza immunizations. Paramedics are trained to administer injection medications. Most are already certified by their Regional Medical Directors to do so, and as such are well positioned to assist wherever needed in community deliver of flu vaccines...without any regulatory changes.

The Paramedic Association of Manitoba has, on many occasions, made reference to the need for "reorganizing" systems of care to ensure patients receive the right care in the right place at the right time. The fact that health planners, in the face of a pandemic scare, are looking at alternatives to the traditional immunization delivery model is a step in that direction. Using Paramedics to assist where possible just makes good sense.

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