Friday, August 21, 2009

Western Canada Tema Conter Gala

Edmonton will host the first ever Western Canadian Tema Conter Memorial Trust Gala on October 3rd, and Manitoba will be well represented at the event.

The Tema Conter Memorial Trust was created to assist emergency services personnel to better understand and cope with acute and post traumatic stress. The charity was established by paramedic Vince Savoia in 2001, and was named in memory of murder victim Ms. Tema Conter. Vince was one of the paramedics who attended to the scene of that crime. In the aftermath of that incident, he created the Trust as a scholarship fund to help other paramedics and create better awareness of critical incident stress.

The Paramedic Association of Manitoba will be represented at the Western Canadian Gala by PAM Executive member Diane Findlay. In addition to our Association representation, the Manitoba Paramedic Honour Guard has accepted an invitation to participate in the opening ceremonies of the Gala. Proceeds from the evening will assist in the very valuable work done by the Tema Conter Memorial Trust.

For more information on the Tema Conter Memorial Trust and the Western Canadian Gala, you can visit the Trust web site at

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