Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Blood Samples Legislation Proclaimed

Manitoba's Health Minister issued a statement today stating the province's mandatory blood testing legislation is now in effect.

Passed by the Manitoba Legislature in June of last year, the Testing of Bodily Fluids and Disclosure Act was proclaimed into force effective today. The legislation allows for a mandatory blood testing order to be issued any time someone aiding a victim (or the victim themselves) experience a significant exposure to bodily fluids. Manitoba is the only province to include a process enabling an expedited testing order to be issued.

Links to the legislation, factsheets and the application for an expedited order can be found at: http://www.gov.mb.ca/health/publichealth/tbfd.html.

The Paramedic Association of Manitoba will continue to work closely with Government, employers and our members to ensure this legislation is effective in its purpose.

Eric Glass
Paramedic Association of Manitoba

Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless handheld.

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