Monday, October 05, 2009

Health Minister Issues "Call to Action"

Late last week, Manitoba's Minister of Health Theresa Oswald called on front-line health care providers to "step forward and share their expertise at vaccination clinics" as the province stepped up plans in preparation for the fall flu season. In a Government News Release issued October 2nd, Oswald urged Manitoba's health care workers to "respond to our call to action". In response to the Minister's plea, the Paramedic Association of Manitoba is encouraging qualified Paramedics to answer the Minister's call for help.

In correspondence addressed to the Emergency Services Branch of Manitoba Health and Healthy Living, sent August 25th and copied to the Minister, the Paramedic Association of Manitoba suggested the province consider using Paramedics to assist with community flu vaccination programs. A significant number of Paramedics are certified by their Regional Medical Directors to perform injection medication administration, and as such would be an excellent resource to assist wherever needed in the community delivery of H1N1 and seasonal flu vaccine. Further correspondence has been sent to Minister Oswald advising her the Association will be distributing her request to members across the province.

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