Monday, November 27, 2006

2006 Annual General Meeting

The Paramedic Association of Manitoba held it's 2006 AGM in Winnipeg at the Polo Park CanadInns on Saturday, November 25th. The agenda included Board presentations of Association activities over the past year and the election of two Board members to replace outgoing members having completed three year terms.

The attendance at this year's meeting was disappointing. We were unable to convene the meeting as scheduled due to the low number of voting members accordance with Association Bylaws the meeting had to be reconvened after a 15 minute break with those in attendance forming the quorum.

Agenda items included Board reports on Association activities over the past year, including a review of the annual financial report (P&L and Balance Sheet). Two Board of Directors positions were up for election, and both Jodi Possia and Stuart Cuddy were re-elected to these positions by acclamation.

The annual Chairman's Report included an outline of Association priorities for 2007 as I see them:
  • Continued emphasis on increasing membership numbers...
    • PAM now has an agreement with Manitoba Health Emergency Services that allows them to forward practitioner names, addresses and email information in accordance with an indication of approval on licensing application and renewal forms.
  • Clear identification of PAM as a professional association versus a labour organization...
    • We need to ensure that any misconceptions that PAM is a "union" are clarified. Our success at achieving self-regulatory status is dependant on our ability to be seen as an organization that acts in the best interest of our patients and the public in general.
  • Continued efforts at achieving self-regulation...
    • This includes extensive consultation with all other stakeholders such as government, employers, unions, other health professions, and in particular EMS practitioners across the province.
There is considerable work to be done as we enter into a new year. Significant gains have been made by PAM in regard to solidifying our position as a key stakeholder in Manitoba EMS. Our success in maintaining and improving that position rests on our ability to be viewed as a true "professional organization".

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