Thursday, November 16, 2006

Operation Christmas Child Kicks-off!

Paramedics from 6 RHAs began collecting shoeboxes from local schools as Operation Christmas Child kicked off this morning. Off-duty medics from Interlake, Central, Assiniboine, South-East, North-East and Winnipeg regions began collecting gift-filled shoeboxes that will be distributed to less fortunate children around the world.

I had th
e pleasure of dropping in on two elementary schools near our EMS station...Domain and Sanford. Seventeen ambulances will visit 40 schools across the province today and tomorrow, and it's expected that we'll collect over 5000 shoeboxes for OCC this year.

A very special thanks to Meaghan Webb for her tireless effort coordinating this year's event. Thanks also to each and every participating medic for taking time out of their busy schedules to make this such a success, and to the regions...our employers...for their support in this very worthwhile venture.

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