Tuesday, November 14, 2006

New Health Professions Legislation

The provincial government is considering development of new "umbrella" health professions legislation. In a nutshell, this new legislation will would be an all-encompassing Act that would apply to any regulated health profession. It would identify generic requirements applicable to all self-regulating health professions including the application process for self-regulation and the rules regarding establishment, duties and responsibilities of a professional regulatory college. Each self-regulating health profession would then have its own regulation outlining it's Bylaws and "rules of operation" under this Act. A number of other Canadian provinces have similar legislation, including Ontario, Alberta and British Columbia.

The fact that Manitoba is considering such legislation has a significant implication on our profession. It very probably means that the government has placed a moratorium on any new self-regulating legislation until such time as this umbrella legislation is in place. In other words, any application for self-regulation made at this time would be placed on hold until the health professions act is developed. It's my understanding that preliminary discussions with existing self-regulatory professions
regarding this umbrella legislation have begun...but that said we most likely won't see a new Act introduced prior to this time next year.

There are positives to this process, however. The fact that umbrella legislation regarding health professions will be somewhat generic and that each profession will have individual governing regulations is a plus from our stand point. Regulations require only Ministerial and caucus approval...they are not hostage to a vote in the legislature. Therefore, once health professions legislation is in place, and we make successful argument for paramedic self-regulation, the government of the day can be lobbied to approve the appropriate regulation. This tends to be a much easier process that having new legislation proclaimed.

There are currently 19 self-regulating health professions in Manitoba. The government has briefed each registrar on their desire to move in the direction of umbrella legislation. The Paramedic Association of Manitoba has indicated to the Health Minister's office that we would like to be included in this consultation process.

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