Friday, November 10, 2006

Provincial Per-Capita EMS Funding

Here are the 2006/07 EMS per capita government funding estimates for each province as projected by the Canadian Institute for Health Information.

New Brunswick


Nova Scotia


British Columbia














Prince Edward Island


Ten years ago Manitoba's annual per capita spending for EMS was only $13.21. The addition of a provincial communication system (Fleetnet), Fleet vehicle program, a provincial dispatch centre and improved staffing models in many rural areas has resulted in a significant increase in system funding.

Unfortunately administrators and government officials view this increase only in terms of additional expenses, without considering the benefits associated with the increase. When they purchase a new MRI machine in an effort to reduce wait lists, or increase funding to educate or hire more physicians or nurses, it's seen as a necessary and justifiable expense. Increasing EMS funding should be viewed in the same another alternative to improving health care for Manitobans. Other Canadian jurisdictions have recognized the benefits of using paramedics to assist with emergency department backlogs, provide mobile health services and participate in non-traditional community health roles. Manitoba needs to follow suit.

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