Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Back to Blogging

I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry!

It's been over six weeks since I last posted on my Blog. I'd like to blame that lost time on the hectic holiday season, but that probably won't cut it. So suffice it to say that my New Years resolution will be to ensure that a similar incident doesn't happen again!

The fact that I haven't posted lately doesn't mean that the Association hasn't been busy. December was a very busy month for the Paramedic Association of Manitoba despite the holiday season. We were invited early in the month to meet with the Premier's Chief of Staff, Michael Balagus, to discuss preliminary plans to allow memorial monuments to be erected on the legislative grounds. More importantly, this meeting provided us an opportunity to bring other issues directly to the attention of the Premier's office...issues that we've been trying to elevate to that level with very limited success for some time now. I also had opportunity in December to meet once again with staff in Minister Oswald's office to talk about problems with service delivery, including the frequency with which Winnipeg has "run out of ambulances" in recent weeks and months.

Jodi and I met with representatives of the College of Midwives of Manitoba late last month. We initiated this meeting in an effort to better understand the process that led to their self-regulatory status, as well as seek any advice they might be willing to share with us having been recently completed the application process themselves. Meeting with other health regulators is something that we need continue, not only to solicit advice but also gain support as we consider how best to move forward in our quest for self-regulation.

On January 10th I met with WFPS acting Chief Jim Brennan. We discussed a number of issues, including potential use of PAMs Con-Ed material as a component of ARML for Winnipeg staff, the possibility of WFPS assisting with PCP Bridging of rural paramedics and plans for the EMS Chiefs of Canada Conference being held in Winnipeg later this spring. Even more recently I had opportunity to meet with the Assistant Deputy Minister of Health responsible for EMS, John Stinson. Mr. Stinson recently had EMS moved into his portfolio, and has promised to continue working closely with our Association.

Just yesterday I was invited to meet again with Myrna Driedger, the Conservative critic for health. Ms. Driedger provided us with a copy of her discussion paper entitled Public Services That Work, and asked that we comment on areas related to EMS and health care for her consideration. Anyone interested in reviewing this document can download it from the PC Manitoba web site. We'll continue to meet with politicians from all provincial parties in expectation of a provincial election sometime in 2007.

Once again, my apologies for having taken such an extended leave of absence from this Blog.

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