Thursday, January 18, 2007

Tories Support Self-Regulation...for Therapists

Manitoba Conservative MLA for Minnedosa, Leanne Rowat, has spoken out encouraging the NDP government to support regulatory legislation for athletic therapy. In a news release issued January 17th, she describes the need for specialized health professionals such as athletic therapists to be recognized in Manitoba’s health care system, and asks that they be included in proposed new legislation that would cover all health professions in Manitoba. Ms. Rowat's news release can be found on the Conservative party web site.

The Manitoba government is currently in the process of consulting with the province's 20 existing self-regulating health organizations (College of Physicians and Surgeons, College of Registered Nurses of Manitoba, etc) with the intent of developing umbrella legislation to cover all health professions. Once completed, a single Act would legislate all regulated health professions in Manitoba, each group with their own set of regulations specific to that profession. This Health Professions Regulatory Reform Initiative is expected to be completed within the next 12 - 15 months.

In March of 2006, the Paramedic Association of Manitoba asked Conservative Leader Hugh McFadyen if he would support self-regulation for paramedics. In a written response he indicated that he would be open to exploring that option, and again supported that position when we met with him in early October of last year. Yesterday I congratulated Ms. Rowat for her initiative in calling for the inclusion of athletic therapy as a recognized health profession, and reminded Mr. McFadyen and Ms. Myrna Driedger (Health Critic) that "
It is our hope that Manitoba Conservatives will continue to appeal for the inclusion of legitimate health professions in new legislation, including paramedicine, as the government undertakes their Health Professions Regulatory Reform Initiative".

I encourage you to write to your provincial MLA (copied to the Paramedic Association of Manitoba) and ask that they support the recognition of paramedicine as a health profession within any new Health Professions legislation, and also that they support self-regulation for paramedics in Manitoba. Contact information for your MLA can be found on the Manitoba Legislature web site.

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