Thursday, January 25, 2007

Recent Event Supports Need for Blood Samples Legislation

Media reports relating to the December police shooting on Jubilee Avenue in Winnipeg clearly support the need for some form of Blood Samples legislation in Manitoba. According to CBC news, the bullet that injured one the police officers in that incident was contaminated with blood after having passed through the suspect's hand and ricocheted into the officer's leg. Winnipeg police have now requested a warrant demanding a blood sample from the suspect to test for the possibility of infectious disease.

In September of 2003, the Paramedic Association of Manitoba wrote to the provincial Justice Minister asking the government to consider the development of blood samples legislation as recommended by a national Joint Working Group. The Minister at that time, Gord Mackintosh, replied saying that he agreed with the need for such legislation and hoped to have it in place the following year. In August of 2004 the Paramedic Association of Manitoba was asked by the provincial government to host a meeting of interested stakeholders for input into what this legislation should look like. Correspondence from government officials subsequent to that meeting indicated the provincial government planned to introduce blood samples legislation in late 2005.

Much to our surprise and disappointment, Health Minister (at the time) Tim Sale announced in November of 2005 that proposed legislation dealing with mandatory blood testing would not proceed as promised, due to concerns raised by certain human rights organizations. Despite our contention that government owed it to every first responder, paramedic, police or corrections officer, firefighter and Good Samaritan to ensure their rights were respected and upheld, the government refused to move forward in this area.

The very fact that Winnipeg Police have found it necessary to try to obtain a warrant for blood testing in this case supports the demand for legislation of mandatory blood testing in certain situations. The Paramedic Association of Manitoba will renew our argument for blood samples legislation in an effort to ensure a process is put in place that provides protection and reassurance to anyone that finds themselves facing the uncertainty and potential health risks associated with a potentially harmful exposure.

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