Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Manitoba Conservative Health Policies

Manitoba PC Health Critic Myrna Driedger has prepared a discussion paper entitled "Public Services That Work:Innovation That Delivers Results" which undoubtedly will form the basis of the Conservative health policy going into the next provincial election. This document is available for viewing on the PC Manitoba web site.

Last week I was given a copy of this document by the Conservative Party and asked to comment on the accuracy of information relative to EMS. In October of last year we met with Ms. Driedger and PC Leader Hugh McFadyen to discuss issues related to emergency medical services in Manitoba (October 23, 2006). At that time we talked about the varied and inconsistent service delivery models within the 11 RHAs, and the need for a more centralized management model for EMS in the province. While somewhat vague in terms of how they would work to achieve that goal, they have acknowledged our input and the need for improvement in this area.

Another concept we presented to the Conservatives was strengthening the role of paramedics in our health care system as well as utilizing our profession in non-traditional EMS initiatives (community health programs, in-hospital care, etc). That too is discussed in Ms. Driedger's paper, although mention of expanding scopes of practice for health care providers falls well short of identifying paramedics as a critical human resource within the health care system.

There is one very disappointing comment made in Ms. Driedger's discussion paper, and it's a theme that's been expressed to me by many rural Conservative MLAs in the past. To state that "Access to ambulance services has become more difficult for some communities which, due to enhanced training requirements, can no longer operate volunteer paramedic services" (page 13) certainly suggests there is a philosophy amongst some Conservatives that our role is still nothing more than that of an "ambulance driver".

We should appreciate the fact that the Conservative Party has asked for our input, and I will convey that to Ms. Driedger when I respond with my comments. While we may take exception to some of the content, the fact that we have been consulted tells me that we are seen as a valuable resource and stakeholder. I encourage you to visit the PC Manitoba web site and review this discussion paper. Send me your thoughts...and better yet, send them to the Conservative nominee in your riding.

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