Tuesday, January 30, 2007

NDP Convention to Debate EMS

Of the fifty resolutions pertinent to health care that will be presented for debate at the NDP Convention in Winnipeg this weekend, 7 are related directly to emergency medical services. Two call for government to subsidize the cost of basic ambulance fees, one asks the NDP to legislate the placement of AEDs in government and public locations, and another put forth by the Manitoba Federation of Labour (MFL) calls for increased funding for training and education of EMS personnel.

Two resolutions are of particular interest to me...one seeks support for paramedic self-regulation and the other urges the NDP government to establish a provincial operational model for EMS. They read as follows:

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Manitoba NDP Government enact legislation to give paramedics the ability to self regulate.

BE IT RESOLVED THAT this convention urge the NDP to ensure, endorse and establish, while in government, a provincial EMS program under the control and direction of a central/provincial operational model that provides consistent, uniform, quality patient care on an equal basis for all Manitobans.

Interestingly enough, the MFL also submitted a resolution dealing with EMS service delivery. While it doesn't specifically seek a provincial oversight body, it does ask that the government "ensure our emergency medical services provide consistent, uniform, quality patient care on an equal basis for all Manitobans."

Acceptance of these resolutions at the weekend Convention by no means forces the government to act accordingly. But it does send a very clear message to the NDP about what's important to party members. I encourage anyone planning to attend the Convention to ensure your voice is heard.. as a party member but even even more importantly as a paramedic trying to do the best job you can for your patients.

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